How to get Instagram followers fast 2018

Have you just started to Instagram? Do you want to become popular on Instagram now?

Then don’t worry you are at right place. Here I will give you some tips to get popularity on this photography social platform.

After reading my guide on how to use Instagram, Are you more and more passionate about this famous photo app?

Are you trying to develop new techniques to increase the popularity of your shots?

If the answer is affirmative, know immediately that unfortunately, Become popular on Instagram is not easy, but maybe I can help you improve your current situation.

How do you say? What are you interested in? Very well, then read carefully the directions I am going to provide you and I am damn sure you will not regret it.

In the following lines, I will go to show you everything that in our humble opinion you can do to be able to popular on Instagram and, consequently, to gain a good degree of popularity among users.

If you ask the same please keep in mind that you will not have to do anything particularly complicated and that the tips I am about to provide you can be put into practice by everyone, even by the less experienced in new technologies and in photography, really!

That said, if you are therefore really interested in finding out what you can do to try to become popular on Instagram I suggest you take a few minutes of free time, to get yourself comfortable and to concentrate carefully on reading the lines of this tutorial.

I sure that at the end you can tell at least a minimum satisfied and that at the first good opportunity you will also be ready and willing to explain to your friends eager to get a similar result how to increase their popularity by exploiting the famous app.

Let it bet?

Before you can misunderstand us and think about who knows what I want to make you aware of right now that I can not promise you that you will become popular on Instagram from one day to another, do not know any “magic formula” to do this, we’re sorry.

However, if you follow the “tips” I’m about to give you should be able to slowly conquer new followers and become more and more followed in this social network, on this there is no rain.

In a nutshell, try to put together all the little tricks I’m about to provide you and you’ll see that, slowly, you too will be able to create your audience.

The important thing is to be passionate, always and in any case, and not to seek popularity at all costs because this rarely leads to long-term results, remember it.

Use the Hashtag

Let’s start this guide on how to become popular on Instagram (if we want to call it) by hashtags.

Similar to what happens on Twitter and Facebook, even on Instagram you can “tag” your posts, ie their own shots, adding them tags that indicate the topics covered in them and increase their visibility by other users of the service.

Choosing the right hashtags is essential to make your photos known to the Instagram public, so I advise you to carefully evaluate the labels to “stick” to your shots before sharing them online. Basically, there are two guidelines to follow: relevance and popularity.

Given that do not use two hundred different hashtags on a single photo (it takes three or four “suitable”), I suggest you to search among the trends of Instagram and check which are the most used hastag on the service.

To find out what are the most popular hashtags of the moment you can take advantage of the Websta website, which shows what are the 100 most used hashtags on Instagram in real time. The service is free and no registration is required to be used.

Alternatively, you can contact Top Hashtag, an Internet site that works almost like the one I mentioned earlier.

If among the most popular hashtags there is someone relevant to the photos you are about to post, use it without thinking twice. Otherwise, do not go “off topic” and look for the road of originality.

With this, I mean that you should do a search on Instagram, find photos similar to those you are about to post and take a cue from the most popular hashtag in the latter.

The important thing is not to be too generic and always choose the most popular tags for certain topics.

Create your own style

Another good way to try to get popularity on Instagram is to create your own well-defined style of photography.

This does not mean that you must always use the same effects but that you have to try to put your own “signature” to the images, so that other users can become attached to the way you take photos and immediately recognize your shots among all others.

If you want some examples of “effective” photographs that can attract the public’s attention, start the Instagram app, press the button with the magnifying glass at the bottom and take a look at the most visited images of the moment.

You will notice that many have some elements in common: try to “capture” them and make them yours to transfer them to your images.

And then, remember: better to publish a photo, beautiful, every week that two, ugly, every day. In short, do not have the desire to appear but put on Instagram only those photos that really deserve to be seen and to receive the likes of others.

If you prefer, you can view the list of the most popular content on the famous app also through the Iconsquare Internet site that allows you to access Instagram from your computer (if you remember I have spoken in detail in our guide on how to use Instagram on the PC ). All completely free, of course.

Share on other social networks

I know it will seem trivial but another effective way to become popular on Instagram and, consequently, to implement the attention of others consists undoubtedly sharing their shots on other social networks: Facebook and Twitter in the first place.

This operation can be done manually, connecting your Instagram account to other social accounts and pressing on one of the buttons located under the Share heading in the screen that opens after editing your photo in Instagram, or automatically.

To connect your Instagram account with Facebook, Twitter and/or other supported social networking services access the app and then press the icon of the little man that is placed in the lower right corner of the main menu.

Next, select the gear icon located at the top right, go to the Linked Accounts menu attached to the Settings section and select the social network of your interest from the list of available social services.

After providing permission for the publication of photos and videos on the other social, Instagram will automatically post your content on the latter.

You do not have to do is take your photos normally and select the buttons referring to the social networks of interest at the time of publication. Very simple!

If you want to make sure that all the photos posted on Instagram are also published on Facebook and Twitter without you having to move a finger, install IFTTT.

It is a free application available for Android and iOS that automates the interaction between all the most popular Web services.

After downloading the app on your smartphone, create your free account on IFTTT and access the screen with the “recipes” (the scripts that allow interaction between the various Web services) by first pressing the mortar icon located at the top of the right and then on the one in the form of  +.

Then press the magnifying glass icon and search terms like Instagram Twitter or Instagram Facebook to access all the recipes that allow you to automatically post the photos and videos of Instagram on various social networks.

When you find a script that interests you and you want to activate sluggish above then tap the Add button to activate it. The first time you use IFTTT you will be asked to authorize the service to access your social accounts: accept.

Interact with other users

Finally, I want to underline something that many underestimate but that can be very important to become “famous” on Instagram: the fact that Instagram is basically a social network and, as such, requires a good degree of interaction.

If you want to make yourself known, you can not expect everyone to come looking for you, this seems obvious to us.

So browse the photos of other users (maybe the most popular) and comment on calling the subject of the shot, the author of the same and maybe even other commentators (if you do not know how to do mention to the instructions that I have provided in our guide on how to mention on Instagram ).

Try to create discussions in photos relevant to what you do, make criticisms and compliments to their authors, talk about the fact that you love certain types of shots, etc.

You could attract the attention of different people and receive new followers for personal relationships that you can create within Instagram and not just because you’ve posted a nice picture.

Doing so in this way is not to be excluded the hypothesis that with the passage of time you can establish friendship with other users of the famous app having the same interests (for example, the love for a particular country, the passion for kitchen or that for movies) and with which to make guest posts, that is to say the exclusive photos on your account by returning the favor if necessary. Not bad, right?

How to get more Instagram followers

After reading our Instagram guide – Download you have provided to download on your smartphone the famous app for photography, edit to post photos and you immediately began to give you crazy joy by sharing all your shots.

With the passing of the days, you have noticed that contrary to your expectations and even with a little disappointment the number of followers does not tend to increase or that this happens very slowly.

How do you say? Things are exactly this way and would you like to understand if there is a system to increase followers on Instagram? Well, know that the answer is affirmative and that even in this case you can count on us.

In the following lines, we will go to show you all a series of useful “tricks” thanks to which you can increase the followers on Instagram in a simple and, in most cases, even fast.

Before you will misunderstand our words, we would like to clarify right away that those we are about to provide you are suggestions that should allow you to conquer a good number of followers.

But that still allow you to achieve the desired results only and only starting from assuming that the photos you have taken are inviting and that there is a good deal of effort on your part.

That said if you are so interested in finding out what you can do to try to increase the followers on Instagram we suggest you get comfortable, grab your smartphone, start the app Instagram and focus carefully on reading our directions.

We are sure that in the end, you will be able to tell you more than satisfied and that if necessary you will also be very willing to tell your most trusted friends the techniques you learned with this guide. Let it bet?

Take beautiful photos

It may seem trivial but it is so: to increase the followers on Instagram is first necessary to take good pictures or at least commit to being so.

When you take a photo to share through Instagram then try to focus on choosing the right subjects and the most correct angles and make sure that what you photograph is visible or at least is able to attract the gaze of others.

In order to succeed “in the enterprise”, it is not necessary to be professional photographers or even scientists, in most cases, it is all a matter of eye and intuition.

Post regularly

To increase followers on Instagram it is compulsory to post regularly on Instagram. The more activeness you will show the more followers you will get.

In a nutshell, do not post burst photos and/or do not go away from Instagram for long periods of time but try to identify the times in which your audience guarantees the greatest degree of interaction and arrange to post your photos at regular time intervals.

Then try to understand who really like your photos and who do not. You will see that by doing so within a short time you will be able to achieve good results.

Assuming that each account is a story in itself and you must, therefore, be able to identify what is the most congenial solution to your needs.

But remember never to post more than 4 photos a day and to pass at least 4 – 5 hours between shots. If you need more details about how to publish photos on Instagram you can also consult our guide on how to post photos on Instagram.

Use the appropriate hashtags

Another suggestion that we want to give you to allow you to increase the followers on Instagram is to resort to the use of hashtags suitable and relevant to your shots and at the same time are popular among users.

To find out what are the most popular hashtags of the moment you can click here to access the Websta website that shows you what are the 100 most used hashtags on Instagram in real time. The service is totally free and no registration is required to be used. Alternatively, if Websta is not to your liking, you can click here to refer to Top Hashtag, another website from the operation similar to the one we mentioned earlier.

Keep in mind that most of the hashtags listed on the Internet sites that we have just suggested are in English but considering that your photos posted through the famous app are seen by an audience, so to speak, the international thing does not hurt.

Taking into account this fact to be able to increase the followers on Instagram we suggest you not only to carefully select the hashtags to use but also to include those in foreign languages.

Another recommendation that we make is to not use “too many” hashtags for each photo. Limited to insert a maximum of a dozen by carefully selecting them, they should be more than enough!

Use the right filters

Another good suggestion that can allow you to increase the followers on Instagram is to choose carefully and accurately the right filters to apply to your photos making sure that these make your shots even more inviting and selecting those most appreciated by the rest of the community.

Use a filter that enhances your shot and makes it even more appealing to the eyes of others contributes to increasing the number of “followers”.

On the other hand, if you apply filters to your photos that tend not to exalt the details or in any case not to focus the attention of others, you risk losing easily the potential followers, keep in mind.

Personally, we suggest you to choose the filters to be applied to your shots based on common sense and what is your personal taste but if you think it appropriate you can do a quick search on Google to find out which ones are most appreciated.

Alternatively, you can contact the Internet sites that we have reported in the previous lines, talking about the hashtags, to find out which are the most popular filters of the moment.

In fact, many users have the habit of indicating the filter used in the hashtags to be added to the picture, so that happening to the rankings available on Internet sites that we suggested you should also display the names of the various filters in order of popularity.  

Link social accounts

If you have not already done so, know that connecting the social accounts you use to the Instagram app is another good way to increase followers, really.

In fact, if you publish Instagram photos on other social networks, Facebook and Twitter in the first place, your content will reach a much wider audience than usual and, consequently, you will be more likely to attract the attention of new followers.

To connect your Instagram account with Facebook, Instagram and/or other supported social networking services, press the icon of the little man that is placed at the bottom right of the main menu of the app.

Then select the gear icon located at the top right, go to the Linked accounts menu attached to the Settings section and select the social network of your interest from the list of available social services.

After giving permission to publish the photos on the other social Instagram will automatically post your content on the latter. You will not have to do is take your photos normally and select the buttons of the social networks of interest during the publication.

Participate in the contest

Inde, a contest, that is, competitions to which social network users can participate to win prizes of various kinds, or lose part is a factor now very important to have followers on Instagram.

If you manage the account of a small company and are looking for an effective system to have followers on Instagram then try to hold a contest and invite users to participate.

The most successful contests are clearly those that actively involve the public so ask users to take pictures related to a common theme, share them on Instagram and use a hashtag of your choice.

By doing this you will promote your content and allow the contest participants to express themselves in a creative way.

If instead, you are a “simple” user to participate in the contest that you think most interesting should allow you to point out your shots to a wider audience and joined by a common interest and then increase the number of followers on Instagram.

Interact with other users

Last but not least, interacting with other users of the famous app can allow you to increase followers on Instagram, this must be kept in mind.

In fact, Instagram is first and foremost a social tool and as such, to be able to get noticed, it is necessary to interact, interact and, once again, interact! Personally, we suggest you to comment on the photos of others calling into question the subject of the shot, the author of the same and, why not, also other commenters following the instructions that we have provided in my guide on how to tag someone on Instagram.

Another great idea to be able to increase followers on Instagram is then to respond to comments to photos from other users.

Doing so in this way is not excluded that over time you can establish friendship with other users of the famous app having the same interests (for example the same favorite subjects, the love for a specific country, the passion for the kitchen, the one for the technology, etc.) and with which to make guest posts, that is to say to post photos exclusively on your account by returning the favor if necessary.

How to set up an Instagram account for your business

After reading our guide on how to use Instagram you too have let yourself be infected by this now famous application and you started taking pictures with more than we can? Yes? Well, seen and considered that Instagram is now one of the most popular and used apps in the world was to be expected.

However, if you now find yourself here, reading this tutorial, most likely it is because you are using your account on the famous app to promote yourself or your business and you would like to understand how to formalize an Instagram profile. If things are actually this way we’re happy to let you know that you can count on us this time also.

Before you misunderstand our words we want to tell you right away that unlike other social networks, such as Facebook, on Instagram you can formalize the profiles but unfortunately you can not personally request the thing to the team at shoulders of the famous app.

This, therefore, means that if the account is not automatically recognized as an official by Instagram to do so, it will be necessary to adopt a ploy.

That said, in the following lines we will go on to illustrate which accounts can possibly get a verification badge on the famous app and which alternative solutions (but still effective!) You can adopt formalize an Instagram profile. We’re sure you will eventually feel more than satisfied and that if necessary you will also be ready to provide all the details of the case to your acquaintances.

Are you ready? Is your answer is Yes? Very well, then let’s proceed!

Officialize an Instagram profile – verification badge

When Instagram accounts are created in the name of some famous people, public figures and well-known global brands, the staff of the famous app starts checks to find out who manages them. If the verification process shows that the personalities that they refer to are really handling the accounts, the verification badge is applied, which is a blue icon with a check mark.

Once obtained, the verification badge is visible next to the name of the reference Instagram account, both in searches and in the profile.

The accounts in question are verified and equipped with badges because it is very likely that they are replaced. So Instagram wants to make sure that community users can easily find the people and brands they want to follow.

For more details about verification badges, you can click here to consult the appropriate Web page related to the Instagram Help Center.

Officialize an Instagram profile – Alternative solutions

As we said, at the moment no subscriber to Instagram can formalize his profile by personally requesting the badge, we’re sorry.

Fortunately, however, it is possible to adopt some “strategies” to formalize an Instagram profile and then to let users know that they use the famous app that your is an official account.

To officialize a profile on Instagram as an alternative to the badge the same staff of the application proposes to insert a link in the profile to their official website, to the reference Facebook page or the link related to the official account on other social networking services, for example, Twitter or Google+.

In this way, it is possible to postpone users who visit the profile to websites and fan page on Facebook and official accounts of reference and let them know that it is the relevant official Instagram account.

If you want to add a link to your website or your company’s website to your Instagram account or if you want to add a link to your fan page or your official account on other social networks or those of your company just to start the app on your smartphone pressing on its icon and then access the section dedicated to your profile by tapping on the figure of the little man placed at the bottom right of the screen.

Then press on Edit Profile and then fill in the Website field by typing the URL of the reference website, the relevant Facebook page or the profile on other social services and the field Biography pointing to the fact that it is an official account and providing any additional links that may allow users to make sure that it is not a fake account. Then, tap the End item to save and apply the changes.

In addition to providing links to the website, the referring Facebook page or other official social profiles, we suggest you type a name and a consistent nickname and insert an image of the profile that allows other users to understand that it is an official profile.

To change the name and nickname simply access the Edit Profile section of the app, fill in the Name and User Name fields and tap on the item Finish.

To insert an image of the appropriate profile you must instead tap the Edit item located at the top right in the Edit Profile section application, select the desired avatar (you can also import it from Facebook or Twitter or you can take a picture at the moment using the camera of the smartphone) and then press on the item OK.

Report unofficial Instagram profiles

Keep in mind that if after having made official an Instagram profile wandering through the meanderings of the app you had to meet someone who pretends to be you or who has created an account without permission on behalf of your company, you can report it to the managers of the social network and request the implementation of appropriate measures.

To report a fake account on Instagram you can act directly from the app on your mobile device by going to the offending profile, pressing the button with the three dots on the top right, choosing the item Report from the menu that is shown and selecting the option I believe this account violates the guidelines of the Instagram community. Then press on Report Account and take the simple wizard displayed on the screen.

As an alternative to the method, we just mentioned you can provide to report a fake account on Instagram using the appropriate online form which you can access by clicking here.

Once the web page containing the form is displayed, select the most appropriate option among those available under the heading Report an account that acts as someone else on Instagram and then follow the simple procedure that is offered to you on the screen.

In both cases, after receiving your report, the staff of Instagram will analyze the account indicated and perform all the necessary checks.

After having ascertained the fact that it is a fake account, the application staff will take the appropriate action and will, therefore, ensure that your remains the only official Instagram profile of reference.

How to use Instagram on mac

Are you a big fan of Instagram? Would you like to browse, or even download, all the photos posted by your friends on the Mac? So we really think you’ve come to the right place at the right time.

With today’s guide, we will see how to use Instagram on the Mac thanks to some applications and some free online services that allow you to enjoy the photos posted on this social network in an extremely easy and fast even on the computer. So, what are you waiting for?

If you want to find out how to use Instagram on your Mac and download all the photos of a person on your computer, we recommend using the 4K Stogram that automatically downloads a user’s photo simply by typing his name in a search bar.

To install 4K Stogram on your Mac, connect to this web page and click on the View button in the Mac App Store located on the left. In the window that opens, click on Free/Install the app, enter the password of your Apple ID and click on Login to download the application on your computer.

When the installation is complete, start 4K Stogram, type the username of the person you want to download the Instagram photos (in the search bar at the top) and press the Enter key on the Mac keyboard to start the download. At the end of the operation, you will find all the images downloaded from the software in the folder Pictures4k Stogramnome user of the computer.

If you want to use Instagram on your Mac simply to browse the photos of the users you follow, connected to the official website of the service and click on the Login button to log in using the data you normally use on your smartphone.

Linking to the profile of a user who is not yet following (eg ), you can view his photos and easily add them to your following by clicking on the Follow button located below his profile picture.

If the Web version of Instagram seems a bit ‘too limited, you can try Statigram that allows you not only to browse photos of all their own following but also to search for photos based on various parameters (eg user, hashtag, content, etc. .) and view rankings of users and the most popular photos of the moment. We explained to you in detail how to use it in our guide on how to use Instagram on your PC.

Finally, we remind you that you can install the official Instagram app for Android on your Mac using the free BlueStacks emulator, which is a bit boring to configure initially but works beautifully.

Instagram registration: how to create a new Instagram account

Instagram is a very popular social network on which users can share photos and videos made with their smartphone.

Why is it so successful?

Because you can customize photos, as well as videos with many vintage effects, which allows you to give an artistic touch even the most mundane shots before publishing them.

Another factor that has contributed to the diffusion of this app is its transversal compatibility. Instagram is available for all major mobile platforms: Android, iOS and Windows Phone.

But it doesn’t work just here but you also can also use it via a browser, but where it does not allow the upload of new content (only allows you to manage your account and view photos already on the service).

It is also worthy of note that it gives support to various social networks, first of all Facebook which acquired Instagram in 2012, through which it is possible to share their shots with friends in very few “taps”.

What do you say? Does this service intrigue you? Do you also want to find out how to register on Instagram?

Well, then give me two minutes of time and I’ll explain how to do it.

The procedure is practically the same on all platforms, so do not waste time checking the model of your smartphone or the operating system that is installed on it, and get to work immediately!

Register on Instagram via smartphone

The first step you need to take to register on Instagram– of course it is – is to download the social network app on your mobile phone.

Then take your smartphone and access the App StoreGoogle Play or Windows Phone Store(depending on whether you have an iPhone, an Android phone or a Windows Phone) to search Instagram through the appropriate search bar.

Then tap on the name of the application in the search results and download it by pressing the appropriate download button.

When the operation is finished, go back to the main menu of your mobile phone and start Instagram by pressing on its icon (the camera with the colors of the sunset as a background).

In the screen that opens, select the entry Do not have an account? Sign up below and follow the registration process.

You can choose to register with Instagram using your email address, your phone number or your Facebook account.

If you want to subscribe by e-mail or mobile number, tap “Subscribe” using the e-mail address and phone number, select the E-mail or Phone tab from the screen that opens and fill out the form that you are proposed by typing your e-mail address or your mobile number.

Then, press the Next button and fill out the other form that is proposed to you by typing your full name, the password which you want to use to access Instagram and set a photo for your public profile.

Have you filled your whole details?

So now its time for tap the Next button, set the username you want to use on the social network and press again on Next to complete the creation of your account.

If you decide to access Instagram via Facebook, tap on the appropriate button, authorize access to the service to your account and set profile photo and username as explained above for the registration procedure via email or phone number.

Have you registered yourself on Instagram?

Now the app will ask you to invite to import contacts from social networks and from the phone book increase their circle of friends.

So you will find yourself in front of a couple of screens where Instagram will ask you to find your Facebook friends and find contacts to follow by importing them from the address book of Android, iOS or Windows Phone: it’s up to you whether to accept or press on the option Skip and bypass these steps.

Have you invited your friends?

Now Instagram will show you a list of recommended profiles, among the most popular ones of the moment. To add them to your feed, and then view their photos and their videos on the main Instagram screen, press the Follow button located next to their name.

When you have finished selecting the profiles to follow, press the checkmark located at the top right and start sharing your shots and your videos with friends. How? We’ll explain it to you right away.

To post your content on Instagram, press the icon of the Camera present in the bottom of the screen. Then choose whether to take a picture in real time, by selecting the photo below the center.

If you want to post a photo which is already in your gallery then select the gallery tab located at the bottom left and select your photos. And now Click on upload and congrats you are done.

Do you want to share your video with your friends? Then don’t worry just select the Video tab located at the bottom right.

If you want to upload videos from your gallery then follow the same procedure as we followed for photos.

Once you have created (or selected) a photo or a video to post on Instagram, choose which filters to apply to the latter and which tools to use (eg image rotation, contrast adjustment etc.) and proceed with the publication by pressing on the arrow located at the top right.

On the next screen, you can add a description and hashtags to your photo (or your video) and let us activate the sharing functions on FacebookTwitter etc.

To learn more run to read our guides on how to post on Instagram and how to have more like on Instagram, in this way you will start immediately great!

To find new people to follow on Instagram, go to the Search section of the app (the magnifying glass icon located at the bottom left), look for photos dedicated to the topics of your interest and/or take a look at the most popular photos of the moment (those that are initially shown on the screen).

To customize the information of your profile, however, press the icon of ‘little man placed at the bottom right and presses the button Edit your profile.

In the screen that opens you can change the name, you can include the address of your website, a brief description of yourself (biography) and more.

Register on Instagram from a PC

As mentioned earlier, it is possible to access and “browse” the contents of the service on the PC. If you want to take advantage of this possibility to create your account on Instagram without using your smartphone, proceed following instructions we are about to give you.

The first step you need to take is to connect to from your computer and fill out the form on the right.

Then type your email address, your name and the combination of username and password you wish to use to access the service and click on the Subscribe button to proceed.

If you want to do it quickly, you can also click on the Login with Facebook button and log in via your Facebook profile.

In the page that opens, click on the (+) button you see at the top to upload your profile picture and choose which account to follow by using the suggestions below.

If you want, you can also search for photos of your interest using the search bar located at the top center and view the most popular content of the moment by clicking on the compass icon located at the top right.

At the top right you will also find the icon of the heart, through which you can view the comments and likes obtained from your posts on Instagram, and the icon of ‘little man that will allow you to customize your profile.

As mentioned above you can not upload photos or videos, for that you have to use the official Instagram app from your smartphone.

If you want to know more about how Instagram works on your computer, read our tutorial on how to use Instagram on your PC.