How to Change / Zoom iPhone Screen Size

Apple has introduced, for several years now, the ability to select the “zoom” view on all iPhone screens. This function is not limited to only increasing the size of the characters (which is possible anyway), but it aims to enlarge any element of the user interface. This limits the amount of information on a single page, but allows those with sight problems to make the most of their mobile device and avoid eye strain.

How to increase the size of the screens on the iPhone

Activate the “zoom” screens on iPhone

Already during the first configuration of the iPhone (with a 4.6-inch screen up) you can choose which screen to use: Standard or Zoom. However, if you prefer to change your preference while using your smartphone, you can do so through the system settings. The function is obviously only available on the iPhone, since it is assumed that the iPads have a size such as not to cause any kind of problem.

  • Open the “Settings” application
  • Access the “Screen and brightness” section
  • Go down to “View”
  • Click on and select the “With zoom” view

Here you will see a quick preview of the change and if you want to go back to the previous view, all you need to do is repeat the same procedure and choose “Standard” instead of “With zoom”.

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