Chun-Li in Street Fighter 5: Moves, Tricks and Combos

Fighter Chun-Li is the first female character in fighting game history and has been a part of the Street Fighter universe since the second game, released in 1991. Interpol official and Kung Fu expert returns in the fifth game of the series with his classic blows and new combos. See the following tips on how to get right with Chun-Li in Street Fighter V.

Chun-Li in Street Fighter 5: Moves, Tricks and Combos

Playing with Chun-Li may be interesting for less experienced players. The fighter is very versatile both for a short or long distance approach. In case of doubt, just use your famous “rain kick” style to gain a little more time in a showdown.

1. Tips for playing with Chun-Li

As stated before, the character is a good option for both ranged and melee combat. If you prefer to attack from afar, you can use Kikoken (similar to a Hadouken) to pressure your opponent. There are those who use the coup to shorten distance as well.

The average distance may be the best positioning attack for the Chinese. At this distance, you can reach opponents more easily using HP, b/f + MP, MK or squatting HK. In addition to these, Chun-Li has a great arsenal of attacks to catch surprise opponents who like air strikes.

Although not ideal for the character, she manages to do relatively well in close combat. If you use this approach, try throwing your opponent forward and then engaging a combo of combos (take a look at the list below).

2. Tips to play against Chun-Li

If you’re playing against Chun-Li, remember that you can counter-attack your Spinning Bird Kick with some combo. If it is fast, it is also possible to avoid being hit in the middle distance with more combos.

It’s not too hard to get away from a Kikoken, but do your best not to be down for long as the fighter is ruthless if he hits you halfway. On your special attacks, be extremely careful with the Hyakuretsukyaku (the “kicking rain”). The blow deals absurd damage and must have a lot of timing to escape.

A character tip to choose against the Chinese wrestler is to use Laura or Cammy, who are also specialists in medium-distance combat. Be aggressive and try to get Chun-Li to deplete your EX Spinning Bird Kick. This will be the perfect opportunity to end the fight soon.


3. Best Chun-Li combos

Combo 1

  • Cr. + LP, f, MP (Load DB), f, Cr. + MK, XX …


  • Hoyokusen
  • EX Hyakuretsukyaku
  • HK Hyakuretsukyaku
  • U + LK

Combo 2

  • MP (Charge DB), f, Cr. + MK, XX …


  • Hoyokusen
  • EX Hyakuretsukyaku
  • HK Hyakuretsukyaku
  • U + LK

Combo 3

  • B + HK, f, Cr. + LP, XX …


  • Hoyokusen
  • MK Hyakuretsukyaku

Combo 4

  • B + HP, XX …


  • Hoyokusen
  • EX Hyakuretsukyaku
  • HK Hyakuretsukyaku

Combo 5

  • HP / MK (Load DB), XX, HP + HK, f, Cr. + MK, XX …


  • Hoyokusen
  • U + MK
  • EX Hyakuretsukyaku

Combo 7

  • UF, MK / LK Hyakuretsukyaku (Charge DB), f, Cr. + LP, f, MP, XX …


  • EX Hyakuretsukyaku
  • U + MK
  • MK Hyakuretsukyaku

Combo 8

  • UF + HK, Cr. + HP, XX, HP + HK, MP + MK, U, D + MK, XX, D + MK, XX, D + MK, XX …


  • EX Hyakuretsukyaku
  • HK Hyakuretsukyaku
  • U + HK / HP, Hoyokusen

Combo 9

  • UF + HK, B + HP, XX, LK Hyakuretsukyaku (Charge DB), f, Cr. + LP, XX …


  • LK Hyakuretsukyaku
  • EX Hyakuretsukyaku
  • U + LK

Combo 10

  • Counterattack with HK, f, f, MP (Load DB), f, Cr. + MP, XX …


  • Hoyokusen
  • U + LK
  • HK Hyakuretsukyaku

Combo 11

  • Counter-attack with B + HP, XX …


  • Cr. + HK
  • EX Hyakuretsukyaku

Combo 12

  • Counterattack with MP (Load DB), f, Cr. + HP, XX …


  • U + MK
  • EX Hyakuretsukyaku
  • HK Hyakuretsukyaku

More tips for Street Fighter V

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